Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Stop Waiting

Good Morning, whoops, it's afternoon. No matter, have a cup on me.

I will just create, and if it works, it works, and if it doesn't,
I'll create something else.
I don't have any limitations on what I think I could do or be.
    --Oprah Winfrey

Stop Waiting to Be Picked

by Jeff Goins | 138 Comments | Twitter, Facebook, Google+

The reason publishers are signing authors who have built their own platforms is the same reason YouTube sensations are appearing on car commercials. It’s because they’re not waiting to be picked.*

These people are choosing to start in spite of the fact that no one’s given them permission. And this is what makes them so attractive. These are the trail-blazers, the trendsetters, and true difference-makers of our day. They’re the ones “crazy enough to change the world.”

And you could be one of them, too. If you would just stop waiting.

We all want to be picked…

This post is from Jeff Goins’ blog http://jeff goings

From Joyce:

I am plunging ahead preparing my book for publication as an e-book. It will be released in a couple of weeks, although already I am getting fall-out about the cover--some like it, some have concerns. What do you think?


To read more about this book go to