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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Drip, Drip, Drip

In his book, 
See You at The Top, Zig Zigler tells the story of how years ago he invested in a computer he believed would handle his inventory, payroll, mailing list, and labeling. He figured that marvelous machine, for which he had paid an enormous sum, would even make the morning’s coffee. 

Six months later, he would have sold it for a fraction of what he paid for it.

 At the time of his writing, he would not part with it for ten times what he paid for it.

What happened?


 The answer is simple. The first people he hired to program the computer would have fouled up a two-car parade.


But then, in walked a couple who said they could make that computer sit up and sing. Zigler hired them, and the result is history. It was doing all he wanted and more.


 Input determines output.


 We, humans, are very suggestible, and although we pride ourselves on being independent and free-thinking, the truth is skillful inputters can easily program us.


 When we hear or see something over and over, it tends to stick. It’s the drip, drip, drip that wears down our defenses, and pretty soon, we are saying, “That seems right.”


That’s brainwashing. 


We are built that way. It is no dishonor or weakness on our part. 


 If we don’t brainwash our own minds, someone will do it for us.


Knowing that puts the power in our hands. It allows us to do our own brainwashing. It is, however, a challenge. When we say, “I am a masterful creator. Money comes easily and abundantly. I always have enough.” We are apt to say, “That’s baloney. Look at those bills that I cannot pay. Look at my life. It sucks.” Those are powerful words, but we continually use them.


 We’re afraid to say, “I have the life of my dreams. I have the relationship I’ve always wanted. I am financially secure with more than enough to supply all my needs.” We see that isn’t true, but our brain, like the jury, still hears the words, “I am.” 


 It’s the drip, drip, drip that allows us to believe in events not yet ours. Wayne Dyer said, “We’ll get it when we see it.”


 This programming ourselves is tricky business. We have a gatekeeper at the door, throwing out what we put in. That’s the reason we need to see it, hear it, whoop it up, laugh outrageously, play make-believe, and write notes to ourselves so we can stay in a positive zone. We can overwhelm the gatekeeper by a continual drip, drip, drip. We can be so positive old gatekeeper won’t stand a chance against us. 


If we don’t brainwash ourselves, the world will do it for us. Media tells us and retells us. They put their horrendous stories on the news on the hour, between hours, and people soak it up—why is that? Why are we attracted to bad news?


My husband says it evolutionary. We are on the lookout for enemies.


When I was reading about Africa, I found that they liked “talking trouble.”


Oh, I’m getting it. It’s emotional. We hear something bad about someone, and we feel empathetic. It’s genuine. “Oh, that’s terrible,” we say and truly mean it. “I’m so sorry for them.”


It’s not so emotionally pleasing if the hero breezes through to success. 


 We’d say, “Yeah, sure. Okay.” Then envy sets in, “Lucky dude, why is it so easy for them?” We begin to feel bad about ourselves that we don’t measure up. 


 But if the hero struggles, and we’ve struggled with him, if he loses, it’s emotional, and we’re chest fallen. If he wins, we feel triumphant. We know he has earned it.


One reason the media is so bad for us is that it’s too much. We are tribal by heritage. We care about our tribes. We take care of those close to us, but to hear the bad news of the entire world is overwhelming.


 Another part of our make-up is that if we repeatedly hear something, we will come to believe it. 


 That can work for us or against us.


It’s easier if someone else is telling us, for then that something will stick with us. If we tell ourselves we are magnificent loving creatures. We know that isn’t true. “But master,” said the student, “the table is empty.”


“See it as full.”


 Like a writer being in the GAP, there is a gap between affirming for something and getting it. Perhaps that’s a safeguard. That gap gives us a chance the rethink some of our wants. If our thoughts were created instantly, we’d get buried in a lot of ridiculous rubbish. 


If we go way out on a limb, it might take a long time before we can accept it. 


 Give yourself powerful thoughts. Accept your own good. “Nothing is off-limits for me.” “The only person who can stop me is me.”


“Everybody wants me to win.”


“All is well.”


 “The Universe buries strange jewels within us all and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt is to uncover those jewels—that’s creative living.”

 --Elizabeth Gilbert