“Artists are people who are not at all interested in the facts—only in the truth. You get the facts from outside. The truth you get from inside.” --Ursula K. LeGuin

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


We all have a creative urge.

It doesn't have to be writing. Neither does that creative outlet have to be an occupation, but wouldn't it be wonderful if it was?

Creativity feeds the soul. Do you create a mean omelet? That's creative.

Sometimes our efforts can drive the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of us batty. That is if we are trying to put our creation out to the world or practicing to become a Jeti.

Think of a time when you were pursuing something and wanted to quit?

Did you?

If you persevered, what was the rewarding part?

(The baby was born. You graduated from college.)

Think of your successes.

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
— Jane Goodall, primatologist


On the last blog I mentioned our Real Estate Business, today I am including a copy of Our Newsletter for your perusal. It’s FREE for blog readers and visitors to our site https://vibrancerealestate.com

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