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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Want to be a Serious Blogger?

Want to be a Serious Blogger?

Okay, you set out, you write, but it falls on deaf ears or no ears at all.

You look for advice.

Well, that’s overwhelming.

“Tell stories,” they say. “Everyone likes stories.”
Children hear, “Once Upon a Time,” and know a story is to follow. They sit in rapt attention. (Unless they are video geeks in which case they could care less.)

But wait, we’re talking about blogging, and while one “expert” tells you to tell stories, another says,  "Unless you can go into a bar, tell your story and have the audience stand spellbound, you suck."

“Write long blogs, 1,000 words minimum, 2,000 is better.”

But then there is the iconic #Seth Godin who writes a few lines sometimes, longer blogs at other times.

What the heck does it matter? Put out something of value.

Or create something people disagree with.

Don't be contentious for the sake of being contentious. But write with conviction. You are bound to offend a few. This is an exercise in disabusing ourselves of constantly chasing others’ approval. Pick a fight. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. Just take note of the thrill you feel when you let go of “What will people think?”

According to #Jeff Goins,

 There are five types of bloggers:

1.     The Journalist:
 The Journalist builds his platform on asking questions.
The only requirement for this type of platform is curiosity.
Darren began his journey by asking questions. And as he publicly shared the answers he got, his curiosity attracted an audience of hundreds of thousands of people. Now, he is considered a leading expert on blogging.

2. The Prophet:

 The Prophet builds her platform on telling the truth. The requirement for this type of platform is a passion for authenticity. Jamie Wright authors a popular blog called The Very Worst Missionary, on which she riffs and rants about faith, life, and other stuff that bugs her. She complains and cusses and confesses. In short, she says all the things missionaries wish they could say, and people love her for it. Ask any of her readers why and they’d probably tell you, “Because she’s real.” She tells the truth — the dirty, ugly, nasty, wonderful truth. 

Of course, prophets are not always so popular. They are unpredictable and often offend someone. But that’s not their goal. The goal is to simply tell the truth, whether people want to hear it or not. Another example is Seth Godin, who is an iconoclast in the business world. Good prophets do not only condemn the dark; they also call us into the light.

 3. The Artist

The Artist builds his platform by creating art — whether it be music, painting, or entrepreneurship. The requirement is an eye for beauty. An example of this type of author is Ann Voskamp, best-selling author and blogger. She communicates the truth of her message through the words she uses and the phrases she chooses. It’s a form of prose poetry. The gift of an artist is they give us eyes to see.

4. The Professor

The Professor builds her platform on facts and information. She does extensive research until she has achieved mastery. Of course, there is always more to learn, but this type of person knows more than most. The only requirement is a longing to learn. The Professor loves data. She loves reading, studying, and analyzing.

The gift of the Professor is that they make the seemingly impossible, doable.

5. The Star

The star is perhaps, the oddest type of platform to build.  They are known for being charismatic, naturally likable. They woo and endear us, even sometimes scandalize their audiences, and for the most part, we love them for it. They are doing what we ask of them — sharing their lives. They’re a party looking for a place to happen. An example of this type is #Ashton Kutcher.

Best-selling author Tim Ferriss’ mantra is basically, “If I can do it, so can you.” This is the message of a star: I’m just like you. That’s what stars do best — they attract the attention to themselves so that they can point it towards something ultimately bigger.

What sort of blogger are you?

The Greeks didn’t write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: “Did he have passion?” —Dean Kansky, Serendipity
I wrote a semi-long blog, I’m passionate about writing, I desire to add value, I can argue with you if you throw something up to be batted around. I don't know what sort of blogger I am, I drank three cups of coffee, and got to the end even with the cat loving up my mouse hand making the cursor squiggle all over the place.

Live long.
Follow me. Ha ha ha, Love you,
