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Monday, July 7, 2014


I see your smiling face as you read this, see I know you—you are smiling aren't you? 

Knowing you are here motivates me to do more. Give more. Happy people reading happy thoughts, people amping up their motivation, their craft, and their life—those are the sorts I want to hang out with. That’s you.

When I read #Seth Godin’s blog about how surprised he is to meet people who proudly tell him that they don't read (their term) "self-help" books because they are fully set, it surprised him and mystified me. Fully set? Is anyone?

I know you writers, and any others who happen upon this page know you have to plant your butt in the chair and pound out your thoughts on the keyboard. You are motivated. I see that, but a little encouragement is always welcome. One of the many truisms good ole Zig Zigler said was this: “Some people say that motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing that’s why we recommend it every day.”

I love those motivational speakers who think positively, promote confidence, and tell us, “You can do it.”

They remind us that others have done what we are setting out to do, and if they can do it, we can. They tell us that perseverance and hard work pays off, and that pursuing one’s goals is important.  They tell us to follow our gut, to dream big, to know that the great source of the universe is alive and well and living inside us. They spark a fire in us.

Regarding the past, Jack Canfield said: “Everybody has had a tough childhood, get over it.”

Walt Disney had his ups and downs, but he never lost his zeal for life. You all probably know Disney went bankrupt once, he lost his mother to a gas leak in a house he bought for his parents, and depression once forced him and his wife to set off on a world cruise to heal. Yet look what he built. He never lost his childhood zeal, he built “The Happiness Place on Earth,” and cut no corners doing it.

"I do not make films primarily for children. I make them for the child in all of us”—Walt Disney